Lists Cloud Solutions As A Top Cloud Consulting Company!

How To Choose Cloud Consulting Company

We’re excited to announce that has ranked Cloud Solutions as a top 5 cloud consulting company in Bulgaria!

Clutch Profile - Cloud Solutions

First off, a huge thanks to and all our partners that were kind enough to submit a review. It really makes a huge difference for us.

Now, what exactly does this mean for Cloud Solutions?

Put simply, it’s a fantastic opportunity to reach more people. 

Operating a small business (especially in 2020) is extremely difficult. And when you’re competing with large consultancies, it’s hard to attract new customers.

Websites like Clutch are a much-needed equalizer for small and mid-sized consultancies like Cloud Solutions. As long as you have a great record of successful projects, you can get listed with the best of them.

Also, it’s always awesome to see someone recognizing your hard work.

Now, let’s talk a bit more about our listed services.

What Cloud Solutions Offers

We offer three different types of services:

  • AWS Cloud Consulting
  • DevOps Consulting
  • AWS Cloud & DevOps Training
Services - Cloud Solutions

Our AWS Cloud Consulting offering is pretty straightforward. 

Businesses come to us with an AWS-related problem that they need to solve. We analyze the issue, offer a personalized solution and (if requested by the customer) implement that solution.

This offer can include, but is not limited to:

  • Helping customers migrate to AWS
  • Designing and building new AWS infrastructures
  • Optimizing and re-working existing AWS infrastructures
  • Help with the transition from server-based architectures to serverless
  • Implementing new technologies and processes into any existing workflow, like Docker and Kubernetes

As AWS has a massive set of services, this offering can include many other things.

Next, our DevOps Consulting offering is all about automation.

This part is a bit more tricky as DevOps isn’t a technology or even a collection of technologies. It’s a way of thinking that covers tons of different practices. 

When it comes to DevOps, we can help out with:

  • Creating a roadmap for their DevOps journey
  • Setting up CI/CD processes to reduce their exposure to risk and safely move their new code into production
  • Implement Continuous Testing and Continuous Monitoring for even more security and reliability through real-time feedback
  • Adopting an Infrastructure as code (IaC) approach and automating the processes of building, deploying and managing their cloud infrastructure.

Finally, our AWS & DevOps Training service includes working with our customers’ teams to help them adopt a DevOps mindset and improve their AWS skills.

This includes training in four areas:

  • AWS Cloud Fundamentals
  • Specific AWS Services
  • DevOps Fundamentals
  • Specific DevOps Tools

If you’re interested in learning more about our work, check out our profile in Clutch. It has info about what Cloud Solutions does, some of our past projects and customer reviews.

Finally, if you need a reliable AWS or DevOps partner, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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How To Choose Cloud Consulting Company Lists Cloud Solutions As A Top Cloud Consulting Company!