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AWS Cloud Trends 2021

Cloud Trends For 2021:
Multicloud, Hybrid Cloud and Cloud Repatriation

The world of technology loves hot, new, sexy trends like AI, ML, Big Data, AR, VR and a handful of...

AWS And DevOps Recap

AWS & DevOps Recap:
October 2020

October’s monthly recap is here and the list of AWS & DevOps-related announcements include services like Kendra, Lambda and CloudFormation....

AWS Basics How Pricing Works

AWS Basics:
How AWS EC2 Pricing Works + Examples

Price is one of the biggest problems people have with AWS.  And that’s pretty understandable.  Some AWS services are expensive...

AWS And DevOps Recap

AWS re:Invent 2020 Announcements Recap

After three weeks packed with announcements, AWS re:Invent wrapped this past Friday. This year’s event was entirely online, due to...

Clutch Recognizes Cloud Solutions as a Top B2B Company in Bulgaria for 2021

Last year we were happy to announce that we were recognized by Clutch to be one of their choices for...

AWS And DevOps Recap

AWS & DevOps Recap: October 2021

It’s been a while since our last news update, hasn’t it? Here we are back again, packed up with some...